Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Helping the people who are helping the kids!

Today was a very busy day at JCICS. We are doing a lot to get ready for the trip to Ethiopia. I helped put together binders of information that Tom and Rebecca will need there. There are more documents required and legal aspects of their jobs than I expected. When I think about the fact that their work deals with the emotional, physical, and psychological wellbeing of children, it makes sense that there are many requirements and processes involved. I always help write thank you notes for donations to the "Be the Answer" campaign we are doing. Tom told me to start thinking of something in particular that I want to get involved with at Joint Council. I am still trying to decide what I would want to do. Something that involves the issues and people we are working with.

1 comment:

  1. nice video! "We must raise our collective voices as one" is a great message. Questions to think about as you contemplate your special project:
    * what is the most compelling way to make a difference within the organization based on your skill set(policy, advocacy, media, etc.)
    * what do you find most enjoyable and interesting in the work?
